Saturday, May 10, 2014

Work Day, Dinner with Forthspring staff and Srs. Gillian and Bridgette

Presentation of items and money raised by Burnt Hills UMC Youth to Forthspring Youth

Another excellent day, unusual in that we got little rain and some sun and comfortable temps.
After breakfast and devotions, we made the five minute walk to the Forthspring Intercommunity Group for a workday.
I learned that while there are several agencies in Belfast promoting communication and understanding between the significantly segregated protestants and Catholics, Forthspring is unusual and well situated because it is on a street that is predominantly Catholic on one side and protestant on the other. My impression is that Forthspring is doing many fine things, especially with youth.

Our work included replacing capstones that were vandalized, weeding and sweeping the grounds and trimming bushes, moving and rearranging offices, and mounting a tv, among other things. That evening we were treated to a delicious and generous meal by Forthspring, followed by a delightful evening with Sisters Bridgette and Gillian. They live adjacent to Forthspring, Catholics living in peace in a heavily protestant community. What a witness they are.

It has been an unsettling experience for me, walking down a street with an invisible barrier in the middle, with Catholic families on one side, protestants on the other, neither willing to cross the street to commune with the other. While the violence has greatly diminished - only one murder last year - the suspicion and apparent dislike of each other seems to be very strong among very many Northern Irelanders. However, we have met several folks who have wonderful hearts, full of love, and wanting desperately for the separation and enmity to end. These range from an international icon, Fr. Gerry Reynolds; to a young couple we met in a restaurant, to the staff at Forthspring and the youth they serve who risk ridicule and worse from their neighbors and classmates.

I do not expect a kumbaya soon, but am in awe of the courage and faith that we see daily. Thank you, Pat and Mike, for giving me this experience.

Submitted by Paul Phillips

Working at Forthspring:

 A Break for Lunch:

Bake to Work:

Sharing Pizza with Staff:

Visiting with Sr. Bridgette and Sr. Gillian:

Presenting funds raised by BHUMC Youth to Forthspring Youth:

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