Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tour of Cemetaries, Felons Club, Dinnder with Collum and Christina

                                  Dinner with Collum at Farset - and Collum gave us all gifts

Irish weather today proved the truth of the saying “If you don’t like the weather wait a few minutes and it will be different.” It has been rainy, sunny and everything in between. We’re told it is just normal Irish weather. Our outdoor tour today was in pouring rain, drizzle, overcast and sunny weather.

Our day started at the “usual” time. Breakfast was shared then we met for the daily schedule review. Paula led devotions and shared two poems. Deb rehearsed the music we’ll share in worship on Sunday.

Our scheduled activities for the day started with a cab ride to the City Cemetery. Our guide, Darra Barrett, met us and told us about the history of the cemetery and pointed out the designer planned it in the shape of a “bell” for Belfast. We visited several grave sites and learned about who was there and why they were interesting characters. One he showed us was a “mass murderer” as he was the head of a tobacco company. We also saw where one of the dividing walls was located, nine feet under.

Then it was “across the street” to the Milltown Cemetery, the Catholic Cemetery. This cemetery has the graves of many of the Catholic freedom fighters and hunger strikers, also known as members of the IRA. They also have the graves of several Polish soldiers who perished in a plane crash during WW2. We were also introduced to the doctor who has seen more maimed bodies than anyone else. He was a physician during the Boar War and then a pathologist. He would crawl out to those wounded to try and save them while the fighting was still going on. There were several others we were introduced to and you are advised to check with your friends on this trip for further impressions.

Our last scheduled activity was lunch at the Felon’s Club. This was once a private club and where the IRA had its founding. Pictures on the wall reminded you of its history.

The rest of the day, well at least until dinner at the hotel, was free. The majority of us returned to the hotel for rest. Six of us went to An Cultúrlann which is a center for Irish Culture, including the Irish language - Gaeilge (which was of great interest to Rod.)

Dinner was at the hotel tonight because it is difficult to get into any restaurants due to the Giro International Bike Race starting and ending in town today. Christine and Collum joined us from Armagh. They met some of the team a couple of years ago and have remained friends. Conversations continued well into the evening.

Tour of Belfast City Cemetery:

Walk along Falls Road and a view of some Murals on buildings:

Felons Club, where we ate lunch:

On the walk back to Farset Hotel - strong feelings in the Catholic section about Boston College's release of "priveleged" information:

Dinner at Farset with Collum and Christina:

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